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Healthy Living2018 Wellness Resolutions #5 – Everyday Wellness

December 31, 2017Craig Oliver

“Whether you are looking to revolutionize your daily routine or make subtle changes, the key is to ensure your choices are manageable”, says Leah Podollan, Spa Owner of northern Alberta’s L Spa and Wellness Centre. And even if they are manageable, you’ve really got to genuinely want change”.

Random samplings of daily goodness Podollan has incorporated into her lifestyle for optimal health include avocadoes, perfectly ripe, enjoyed with freshly squeezed lemon juice and when overripe they make for a fantastic facial and body moisturizer while showering. Steamed artichokes are an immediate detox cleanse in a leaf; a gastrointestinal reset flush (pardon the pun) – best enjoyed dipped in garlic and lemon juice. And speaking of garlic, this undisputed ruler of health has been used as food or medicine for thousands of years and Podollan suggests at least ½ a bulb a day. Lemon and ginger being complimentary allies and are squeezed and sliced into her culinary creativity by adding them to a cup of hot water, tea or with vegetables.

For face, body and mind, Podollan swears by mineral makeup and a quarterly facial at each season’s change. And she believes in sweat and benefits of exercising every second day, says Podollan, “Sweat is Mother Nature’s natural detox that help keep the pores clean, skin fresh and the added benefit of sweating is the release of endorphins that keep the mind happy.”

L Spa and Wellness Centre



Craig Oliver

Craig Oliver is president of Spas of America and editor-in-chief of Healthy Living + Travel.

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