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IndustryISPA Reopening Toolkit

January 17, 2021Craig Oliver

In the wake of COVID-19 and global spa closings, the International Spa Association (ISPA) has created a Spa Reopening Toolkit. The toolkit will help equip spas with the guidance and resources needed to safely reopen their spas when their government entities allow them to do so. The items are customizable allowing spas of different types, sizes and locations to create a plan that follows the guidelines set by their respective governing bodies. The toolkit will continue to grow in the weeks ahead, so please check back often for updated materials.

If you click on the “customizable copy” links below via a mobile device, select the option when prompted to open via your web browser/Internet to access.

This checklist will serve as a guide for spas as they develop their custom reopening strategy. In addition to the checklist, a set of communications templates are included at the end of the document to assist with marketing efforts.

Spa Sanitation & Hygiene Standards (PDF) | Click here to download a customizable copy.

This document will serve as an overview for the necessary sanitation and hygiene standards that will need to be considered prior to reopening.  As with all of these documents, the standards may be updated over time as circumstances change.

Spa Sanitation & Hygiene Commitment (PDF) | Click here to download a customizable copy.

All spas who commit to ISPA’s Sanitation & Hygiene Standards are encourage to display this commitment visual within their spa and/or website.

Downloadable Templates (Customizable)

For those looking to print signs or visuals to display messaging relating to sanitation, distance requirements, etc., these downloadable templates will come in handy for those who don’t have access to a marketing team.

ISPA Snapshot Surveys

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, ISPA’s monthly research initiatives have focused on identifying the industry’s response and recovery. Completed reports are linked below:


A note from ISPA: These resources do not supersede any laws under which your spa operates. Always follow the health and sanitation regulations established by your local, state or national governments. All ISPA guidelines, templates and resources should be reviewed by your legal counsel prior to use and distribution to ensure they are in compliance with the laws of your respective governing body. The resources are meant to be customizable with applicable components being used as deemed appropriate by each individual spa location.

Craig Oliver

Craig Oliver is president of Spas of America and editor-in-chief of Healthy Living + Travel.

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